
The Kimono is not the daily wear, the Japanese people wear it for some special occasions: wedding, graduation celebration …, as a tourist, you can rent a Kimono for a day, to experience the Japanese traditional wear.

My friend in Tokyo told me that those girls were going to celebrate the high school graduation
Marriage photo | Toshogu Shrine Tokyo 上野東照宮
Marriage photo | Toshogu Shrine Tokyo 上野東照宮
An other marriage event in Meiji Shrine Tokyo明治神宫

There are some real Kimono wearers, the Geisha. I am like many touristes, very curious about Geisha, I went to Gion祇園, the district in Kyoto you suppose to see them. But or I went there too early, or the Geisha were so discreet that you couldn’t see them, I only saw two of them walked pass me fast and in silence.

Recently, the Kyoto authorities ask the touristes not to approache the Geisha, it’s a profession, not a tourist attraction.

In the street of Gion祇園, Kyoto
In the street of Gion祇園, Kyoto

March 2024.

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