Street Shots

Three very popular places (streets) in Tokyo.

1) Omoide Yokocho 思い出横丁 (Shinjuku district 新宿).

Omoide Yokocho 思い出横丁
The street is very narrow
Narrow street
A street has many little restaurants like this

2) Kabukicho Ichiban-gai Street 歌舞伎町一番街 (Shinjuku district 新宿).

Kbbukicho Ichiban-gai Street 歌舞伎町一番街
Very crowded
Only one idea in my head: got out of here as quick as possible

3) Ginza 银座. Where the most expensives shops of Tokyo are.

March 2024.


The Kimono is not the daily wear, the Japanese people wear it for some special occasions: wedding, graduation celebration …, as a tourist, you can rent a Kimono for a day, to experience the Japanese traditional wear.

My friend in Tokyo told me that those girls were going to celebrate the high school graduation
Marriage photo | Toshogu Shrine Tokyo 上野東照宮
Marriage photo | Toshogu Shrine Tokyo 上野東照宮
An other marriage event in Meiji Shrine Tokyo明治神宫

There are some real Kimono wearers, the Geisha. I am like many touristes, very curious about Geisha, I went to Gion祇園, the district in Kyoto you suppose to see them. But or I went there too early, or the Geisha were so discreet that you couldn’t see them, I only saw two of them walked pass me fast and in silence.

Recently, the Kyoto authorities ask the touristes not to approache the Geisha, it’s a profession, not a tourist attraction.

In the street of Gion祇園, Kyoto
In the street of Gion祇園, Kyoto

March 2024.


Although I didn’t espect to see cherry blossoms in early March, but still hoping there would be one or two or three Sakura here or there showing their faces.

I was not disappointed.

Cherry Blossoms are ephemeral, but while in front of them, they are eternal.

Such a honourable moment.

上野公園 Cherry blossoms, Ueno park Tokyo
上野公園 Ueno Park Tokyo, full bloom Sakura
上野公園 Ueno Park Tokyo
Another corner of Ueno Park, the early blooming Sakura Kawazu 上野公園河津櫻
Sakura and Tokyo Skytree
Sakura and Tokyo Skytree
In a little park of Tokyo, one Sakura in full bloom, those trees in the right are also Sakura, but they only have buds
My friend who works as a Midwife in Tokyo on my left, another chinese friend in my right | Ueno Park Tokyo 上野公園

March 2024.